The immovable object vs the unstoppable force

An amazing drama unfolded before us on the carpool ride to work today. On the back roads of East Haven a school bus stopped, its lights flashing, stop sign extended, and door open waiting for a late student. A row of cars began lining up on each side of the road.

Suddenly from behind us blared the siren of an approaching ambulance.


As we obediently pulled over to let the ambulance by, the door of nearby house opened and an elementary school child began a slow trot towards the bus, his large backpack bouncing back and forth with the pace of his stride. THE KID WAS DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO BEAT THE AMBULANCE. I could feel every driver holding their breath. Who takes priority? The child? or the person in desperate health need?

The ambulance screamed up to the bus… and applied its brakes!

Siren blaring, the ambulance waited anxiously as the kid trotted across the lawn!! The little kid started boarding the bus. The bus promptly killed its flashing lights and retracted the stop sign. The bus started rolling forward, presumably trying to pull over more so the ambulance could pass. The ambulance, its patience exhausted, BLARED its horn screaming at the bus “DONT DO ANYTHING, I GOT THIS,” swerved around the bus and hauled towards its destination.


Unnatural Frustration

I have an unnecessarily acute distaste for license plate holders that boldly advertise the dealership where the car was purchased. You just spent tens of thousands of dollars on an incredible machine with precision components that can generate 100’s of horse power and there’s a cheap plastic holder for your license plate that says “BA-BA-BA-BARNIES CARS IN BARVILLE”

I guess I have to applaud the companies that pull it off. If you can stick an advertisement on the back of a Lexus and the owner never bothers to take it off, good on you.

Potato Update

CONFIRMED: The Potato button on our microwave is a miraculous wonder. We’ve tried it with plain potatoes and sweet potatoes. Our massively successful attempt required stabbing the potato with a fork a handful of times and hitting the button. We’ve even done TWO AT ONCE, by appropriately answering the even more convenient “how many potatoes” query.


I’ve been converted.

J. Atlas update

J. Atlas’s smiling face is cartoonish in its expression of joy

He’s been pretty excellent so far. While still not quite sleeping through the night, his consistency has dramatically improved. He has two teeth, eats like a champ and is at the point where he’s cruising around constantly with his walker.

Things J. Atlas loves:

Shoulder rides
Playing the piano with his butt
Chomping my nose
Stealing Jen’s glasses