Special congratulations to Tom and Mykal who tied the knot this past weekend!!! Tom and Mykal have been dating for… ten years? yes, I believe that’s right. These two will have a future of fun and delicious foods ahead of them.
I first met the duo in my college dorm. Tom lived a few doors down and he pretty much carried me through my Computer Science courses. I remember one particular night where I was struggling ferociously with a C++ program. He helped me until near midnight then left me to finish the program. I worked all night. In the morning, Tom came back to check how I’d been doing and found that I had dramatically regressed – the program was tons worse than it had been when he left me. Once again, he saved me.
Our friendship strengthened further when we came up with the amazing robot game that started with pennies and dimes and quickly progressed to sweet computer programming by Tom and a wealth of MSPaint robot drawings by me. I’m pretty sure the game still exists, I’ll try and hunt down the program and post it.
During our later years in college I would regularly head over to Tom and Mykal’s apartment to make delicious foods and escape my all too common lunch of tomato soup and couscous. We’d play games and make tasty meals. Spicy pickled carrots, fresh tortillas, amazing desserts, spontaneous deliciousness that resulted from their winning the APO Iron Chef tournament – these were just a few of the fruits of their cookery.
Additionally, Tom and Mykal have a strong passion for gaming. They introduced me to a whole bunch of fun games like Niagra and I even think my first game of Settlers was on their board. Mykal loves crafts as well. A few years ago she made me a coffee mug set (I’ve wrote about it before). Every day I use that little red mug for my coffee and every day I mentally appreciate Mykal’s handwork and generosity.
They love to sail! They love to read! They love everything awesome!
I am extremely happy for Tom and Mykal. Of all my friends I think they might be the most well matched couple. They have strongly shared interests but have not lost their independence.
I ask you, dear readers, to raise your virtual glass with me and toast the formal union of these two great people.
To Tom and Mykal! Congratulations!!
Mykal and Tom on their wedding day.
Awwww. Thanks Mike!!
Also I’d like to let you know that the memory of you saying “Guuuuys you can’t MAKE tortillas!” is my favorite memory from cooking with you in college. I can remember exactly how you said it and it makes me happy to think about. Tom and I fruquently reference the comment while cooking.
Also I think soon we will have an awesome photo for you of The Wedding Toast: whole milk, plastic cups – no champagne here.
Congratulations, you two!
Congratulations to a wonderful couple! Mykal, you are very beautiful in blue, and Tom looks dashing in his outfit! Quite the duo! Looking forward to seeing the Toast photo and hearing about the beautiful dinners you make together in the future. Best Wishes!
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!! You guys are fantastic! YAYAYAYAYAY!