Belated Sweater Thursday!

Yesterday was Sweater Thursday!

Actually, last Thursday was also sweater Thursday but I found myself pretty uncomfortably busy for these past two weeks so today I will wrap up all those super sweaters into one epic post.

Let’s get started. First up we’ve got Jocelyn’s coworker Ceri. Look at all that sweater confidence!


Now let’s take a look at Chris. Here are Chris’s words

Honestly, I’m trying to wear the most out of fashion sweaters ever to try and become and legend among my students. Much like Chris Dane Owens is a legend in his own right. My mom found me this sweater. The other clothes I’m wearing don’t really match (I don’t think anything can), but it’s as close as I could come.



Here we’ve got Ian with a nice collared shirt/sweater combo. I think this might be my favorite sweater style attack.


Here’s Sarah, also sporting the collared shirt sweater combo


We’ve got MORE! Here’s Viv!


And Chris comes sweeping in again with a new sweater. Dang Chris. These sweaters are F-I-N-E fine. I actually might think this is my favorite sweater of all sweater Thursday sweaters to date.


Also, mad props to Jobonga for successfully posting 40 sweater Thursdays at her website.

Sweater Thursday!

Welcome back to Sweater Thursday! Last week I was late. I’ll try not to let that happen again. FOR SHAME!

I got a new sweater this week, just for sweater Thursday. I’m really excited about it. It’s got pretty gnarly ribs, and a sweet zipper turtleneck thing going on with superfluous buttons… which in addition to style are there in case the zipper breaks I guess?

I was hoping to get it in green because I already have a multitude of brown sweaters, but I think my brown sweaters are a bit worn so this will be the start of the MIKE D SWEATER REVOLUTION. Oh man. Look out. Unfortunately, my camera broke on my trip to Ukraine (you’ll read about this later), so this photo was taken with my new webcam. Not an amazingly high quality shot, but I think you can appreciate the amazingly high quality sweater.


Everybody? Meet Rob. Rob? Meet everybody.
Rob’s wearing a sweet oatmeal colored sweater while partaking in a Black Forest milkshake, a pepper bacon burger, and yukon gold fries. Oh man. That sounds good.


Sarah brings on the color with a light yellow sweater. Nice sweater Sarah!


It’s a duo of sweater! Jocelyn and Tim! Look out!! also, Tim – nice hat.


Here’s Nicole! she actually wrote “remember sweater Thursday” on her hand so she’d remember to snap a picture this morning. Oh the dedication!


And here’s Ben! Is he naturally chipper, or is it the caffeine.


Are you wearing a sweater today? If so, snap a picture and send it over to me at MikeDiDonato AT gmail D0T com.