It’s Thursday! and here’s my sweater.
That half-smirk is the placating smile of someone who is still suffering form a cold but still came to work and is struggling to grin for his camera.
I don’t think I’ve paired that tie with this sweater before. I like the contrast. I think it’s fun.
Mykal contributed a photo of Corbin! Check out his sweet sweater outfit.
Also: Wow. that is some amazing floor.
I’m glad your impressed by our baby foam floor tiles, this picture hides very well the fact that the rest of this space is COVERED in baby toys.
What a cute little guy! How old is he now? He looks as if he could run all over the place!
(And I mean little Corbin, not Michael D., since, although he is cute, I already know how old he is and that he can run if he has to.)
Thank you! He’s 10 months old, and he is convinced he can run but for all his efforts he just ends up falling down.