Holy Crap! January 17th was INTENSE.
that’s 2,293 page loads on Thursday the 17th. If we were to look at page loads as a meter of popularity, the 17th is the hottest.
Here’s the top five days of posts according to page loads:
Name that tune: January 17th
Band name showdown: January 18th
Disney Haikus: January 2nd
Free Swim #2: January 14th
Band Names & Monster Trucks: January 25th
Something to note about page loads… If someone were to sit at their computer and hit refresh 5 times… it would count as 5 page loads. Or, if you went to my website and then visited 4 different parts of the website… that would also be considered page loads. So it’s not an accurate representation of the number of people, simply the eagerness at which people are coming back and exploring the depths of the website.