Kurt’s Epic Thanksgiving Part IV


If at this point you aren’t stuck in a tryptophan induced coma, congratulations. Also if you were able to get up at 2am for the latest Target Blockbuster, Early Bird, First Come First Serve, limited engagement, Freeze your butt-off-a-thon, shopfest, then congratulations. It takes a person with an Iron Will to go out and combat all those rabid Soccer moms who are battling for the latest Tickle me Elmo, or pokemon. Shouldering them out of the way to get the greatest deal is amazing. I give my brother’s girlfriend mad props for being out there, and I tip my hat to you if you were part of the raving lunatics who were able to take advantage of the great deals. I on the other hand waited around like a vulture to pick at the scraps left by the birds of prey. I was able to find some good deals (which I won’t mention here since people may be getting them for their birthday’s that come after Christmas). But the main reason I go out is for my number one favorite past time. People Watching.
5’4″ 90 lb moms, pushing a double stroller laden with kids and gifts, spilling her Hot cocoa, or other delicious beverage on the floor makes me giggle. Call me a bad person, I don’t care. Thats classic comedy. All sorts of folk come out of the wood work to take advantage of Black Friday in their own way. Mine is to make fun of and take perverse pleasure in the misfortune of others. The holiday season really brings out my good qualities.

I’m not going to dive into the saturday or sunday following the holiday, well, because they are just a regular weekend to me. If you feel like I should have talked about it, well too bad. You should have asked me two months ago when I wrote all this stuff. Stay tuned for another senseless ramblin later in the month. Happy January!

Kurt’s Epic Thanksgiving Part III


Thanksgiving Day. The day that all the traveling the day before was about. People travel hundreds upon hundreds of miles (360 for me this year) just to eat was essentially is a big dinner. But not just any dinner. One of the biggest feasts you will have all year. Besides a wedding and sometimes Christmas (or other December Holiday for our Multi Religious Friends reading this) you aren’t going to be eating this much food in a while. Lets start off with the big bird. No..not Big Bird, THE big bird. A turkey kicking in somewhere in the welter weight division. Sometimes stuffed to the brim full of onions, carrots, celery and other delicious things. You might have had him (or her) brined, broiled, baked, smoked, Fried, or some combination of those, or maybe some totally new awesome way to cook a turkey that didn’t show up on my culinary radar that you need to tell us about.
Oh man…there isn’t a site in this world more glorious than watching someone carve that turkey and all the juices roll right on out. Oh man, excuse me while I go see if we have any turkey in the fridge.
Where was I? Oh yeah…Food. Turkey is just the beginning i’m afraid. Your stomach is definately going to earn that big paycheck you’ve been paying him today. Mashed potatoes, Cranberries (from a can or from the real deal), squash, Green Bean Casserole (My Fav!), sweet potatoes, gravy, stuffing, dressing, fresh baked bread and so much more. Man alive. You know you can’t just walk on by and not take a piece of everything. The structural integrity of your plate is going to be put to the test. In my family, if you don’t try everything at least once you get made fun of relentlessly. AND if you don’t go up for seconds you are called “Mrs. Nancy Pants” until you do go up.
And where would I be not talking about the Desserts. Pies, cakes, cookies, canoli’s, brownies, candy and ice cream. Your yearly festivities may differ slightly but if you don’t walk away going into both Turkey Coma and Sugar Shock you surely didn’t do something right….or you’re a commie.

Kurt’s Epic Thanksgiving Part II


Now don’t tell me, “Kurt, Thats not Thanksgiving yet!”, cause if you do I’ll smack you and call you stupid. If you haven’t checked out of work, either mentally or physically at 1pm on Wednesday, you are either a Commie or, well I gues thats it. Your a commie. I mean I know I was sitting around counting the seconds tick on by the moment I got in (I’m a special kind of lazy). You just can’t help thinking about all the food you are gonna eat, and all the fun your gonna have with family and friends you probably haven’t seen in a long time. Now say you are a communist and you did work right up to 5pm on Wednesday, then you get out go home and do whatever you do at home.
Some people might think about getting a headstart on the next days cooking, but then again that ain’t me either. I think Thanksgiving Eve Is one of the biggest going out nights there are. Especially for us the young crowd. All your friends from High School are back from college, or wherever they decided to settle down and they are out reminiscing about the “good ol’ days”. Hanging out at bars talking to good friends is probably as good as it gets. At least thats what you think right up untill you wake up the next day and have to eat. We’ll get into to Thursday in the next hours issue.

Kurt’s Epic Thanksgiving Part 1

You know what I like. Thanksgiving. I’m not talking about the day where we get together with our family members, and all the food, don’t get me wrong thats part of it, but the whole stinking weekend. When else do you get 4 days off from work, not often enough thats when!

Lets look at this from a day by day standpoint.