Last night after work Sander and I did some major renovations on our cubicles. I started with some basic cleaning and the replacement my huge mongo book shelves with some smaller wooden ones. I hung up some art on the wall and organized my papers.
Then Sander and I removed one of the panels between our cubes (shown below with a dashed line.)
The result was a significantly improved view out the windows and more light with the added bonus of now being able to pass critical things like business cards, screwdrivers, and highlighters back and forth between our cubicles without having to throw them over the wall.
Once the renovations were completed, I zipped over to the climbing gym where I tried some new routes and got the rest of my rack (pictures on the way!) Also, Irene got new shoes, I tried a sweet new route, and I got a decent pump with some slow climbing of a 5.7
throwing screwdrivers over the wall sounds dangerous!
Only for the untrained…
Mike D. and I are pros.