Has anyone experienced Peanut Butter hiccups?
For whatever reason, if I eat peanut butter too quickly, I get really annoying painful hiccups that last until I’ve finished downing my food.
my corner of nowhere particular
Has anyone experienced Peanut Butter hiccups?
For whatever reason, if I eat peanut butter too quickly, I get really annoying painful hiccups that last until I’ve finished downing my food.
I think that happens to me sometimes with baked potatoes.
You’re weird, I’ve always heard that peanut butter relieves hiccups.
I agree with Jocelyn. MikeD is in fact Weird.
Is that what causes you to sneeze 3 times in a row really fast too?
There’s a perfectly reasonable medical explanation for all of this.
Having seen you eat peanut butter, I can honestly say that no human esophagus can handle that much sticky goop at the rate which you consume it. Thus some of the buttery flow is diverted through your trachea, and into your lungs. After a while it seeps into your lower chest, and (tickles!) triggers the hiccup reflex, until the diaphragm forces most of it back up, and the remaining goopy goodness is absorbed directly into your blood vessels.
Watchout, heart, you’re next!
You’re all weird. Peanut butter has nothing to do with hiccups (but it has everything to do with DELICIOUS).
I disagree. Peanut butter is not delicious. I can only stand it in a peanut butter and butter sandwich(usually made with soda crackers).