how the heck is 720 posts going to work?

Okay. We’re at the sunset of 2007. And soon, very soon, the 720 Posts onslaught will begin. Are you guys excited?

720 Posts came about from a conversation I had with Schenk. Old man Schenk was annoyed that my website didn’t constantly have new content. He challenged me to update the website every hour for a month. So that’s what 720 is all about.

Next Tuesday at 12:00am the first post will appear in the features section to the left. Each day will begin with a feature so that even if you start the day late you can catch up to what the heck is going on. the rest of the day will appear in either the main content area or the quickthoughts on the right.

I’ve automatically setup a bunch of posts and a bunch of people have helped me out (thanks people!). Some days are EPIC (January 16th) other days are totally lame (January 20th). And some days I have no idea what will happen because no planning has been done (January 23). I’m not even sure if I’ll be successful with this endeavor because I’m going to be writing additional content as the month progresses. If you have stuff you’d like me to post, e-mail it over to 720posts AT gmail D0T com. I’m sure I’ll get pretty desperate, so pretty much anything you send there will probably go up at some point or another.

After January’s insanity, posting will continue as normal come February.

720 posts.

Dear Internets,

I’m working on an aggressive challenge of putting up a single post every hour for the entire month of January 2008. That’s a total of 720 posts. I’ve set up an automatic posting schedule and have been contacting friends asking for contributions.

At the moment, I have 251 posts up and ready to go for January… but the January first deadline draws near. So for this one, I’m going to the entire community. If you’d like to submit some fun writing for the 720 posts challenge about something you love or find fascinating, (e-mail: 720Posts AT Gmail D0T com) then I will add it to the queue and it will probably be published to the world some time on January 9th.

Rock on,
The D.