The Era of Complimentary Spam

My spam filter cleans out HUNDREDS of spam related comments a day. And even with the technologies JonAbad installed on the site, a few still get through now and again and need to be manually deleted.

What I find interesting is the progression of spam from pure advertisement to complimentary. We used to get spam that just threw the product in your face. Then spammers got a little more creative (not intelligent) and started complimenting my guest book. This is particularly humorous since I don’t have a guest book. The latest craze seems to be ping-backs (references to your blog that in-turn throws a comment onto your blog). they use the link as “vote” on search engines to get higher in the list.

Sometimes the ping backs are just ping backs. nothing special.

othertimes though it’s a link to your blog with more compliments thrown in. Things like, “Read this great article on”

Oh Spam. I don’t find your antics cute anymore. Seriously. cut it out.


Dear Readers,

I’m in Pittsburgh for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Check out the new feature video on the left, don’t forget to submit some hot MSPaint costumes, and hopefully you’ll hear some exciting PA stories come Tuesday evening.

Yours forever and ever,
Mike D.