You can’t blame this on daylight savings

Yesterday morning I grabbed my lunch bag, my coat, and my gloves and walked out the door. I instinctively clicked the handle lock on the way out and upon closing the door realized… my keys were still on the counter. I had locked myself out.

I went into the garage and tried to find a tool that would allow me to enter through the basement door… no luck. After about 10 minutes of struggling I finally just called and woke up Shaun L.

Shaun came down and let me in. I grabbed my keys… and zipped off to work.

::time passes::

Last night I had to go to Kung Fu. I grabbed my bo staff and my equipment, clicked the handle lock on the door, closed the door, and promptly realized I’d done it again. I had locked myself out of the house.

Twice. in the same day.

This time, no one was home to let me in. So I went and grabbed a ladder from the garage, climbed up onto the roof, and started checking windows. Miraculously, I had left a window in my room open.

Ugh. Yesterday was just one of those days.

An Irish Pub in Wallingford

Last night I got back from Pittsburgh around 8:30 and zipped over to the climbing gym, figuring I could get a little time in before the doors closed. Irene, Kay, Chris, and Joel were there amongst others. After the gym we all headed over to ‘The Dublin’ in Wallingford.

What a neat place! They had authentic Irish music and authentic Irish people there. The rest of the crowd got beer and wings and we sat chatting and listening to the band. The band isn’t there all the time, just on occasional planned Thursdays. Regardless, I hope this place becomes a more regular destination for us. It was a really nice off-the-beaten path place. I need to find more niche places like this in CT.

Flyery, Readery, and Foodery.

One thing is absolutely true about flying. It gives you plenty of time to read. Today I hope to finish up the book “Tipping Point” which I started last week and make some progress with the Rock thriller Slash. I don’t have too much time before classes start hitting me with heavy homework again, so the more I can take advantage of the time now, the better.

As we look towards the weekend, I think things will get pretty fun. I have class on Friday and Saturday, but on Sunday I’m meeting up with the rest of the DiDonato clan for a cooking class. Actually, Tom and Mykal are coming too and that should be way fun – I haven’t seen them in many moons.

The recipes to be made in the mass cooking extravaganza are:

* Tuna Salad with Green Beans and Tomatoes
* Minestra (Escarole and Meatball Soup)
* Zuppa di Cozze (Mussels in Spicy Tomato Sauce)
* Arancini (Rice Balls)
* Bistecca Pizzaiola or Braciole
* Veal Scaloppine Marsala
* Baked Chicken with Potato, Lemon and Oregano
* Linguini with White Clam Sauce
* Manicotti with Marinara Sauce
* Verdure alla Griglia (Grilled Veg)
* Struffoli (Honey Balls) * Biscotti Regina (Sesame Cookies)

Bang. Italian delicious. I will of course report back.

Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze a band practice into the weekend too. We’ll see.

Saturday & Sunday

This past Saturday was a blast. After a moderately intense kung fu class (we did conditioning… I’m sore), I headed over to the rock climbing gym with Irene, Tony, and Paulette. Where… wait for it… I started work on my first 5.13.

5.13’s are extremely hard climbs.

I didn’t finish it. In fact, I didn’t get much further than about 12 feet off the ground, but that alone is far better than I’ve ever performed on any 5.13 that I’ve tried in the past. Also, it should be said that I am still not a comfortable 5.12 climber. There’s a 5.12+ which is royally kicking my butt and a handful of 5.12-‘s and 5.11+’s that cause me considerable grief. Still, getting on a 5.13 and working the moves feels really amazing. I’ve been told that the crux of the climb is actually at the top… very far from where I am. But have faith! I’m climbing harder than I’ve ever climbed before and I think that this route may be something I can accomplish. I’ll keep working it.

Sunday we had band practice. We started working on a Soundgarden tune (My Wave) and dang. Let me tell you: Soundgarden does some truly amazing things. My Wave is in 5/4 and has some really intense transitions. We sounded pretty good. I’m hoping to be ready for a show by June-ish.

After the band rocked out, I came back and put together a monster turkey feast for the roommates and our Roller Derby crowd. Chris, Irene, Keller, and I went over to check out the CT Roller Girls. Check out the review over on the left. The bout was incredible. Keller and I ended up staying at the After-party until about 11:30pm. It was a good time.

The next bout is on March 16th. It’s an interleague match and CT’s stepford sabotage will need our support. Let me know if you’d like to join our group.