A Visit with the Nutritionist

A Visit with the Nutritionist

I was pleased as punch to learn that my specific insurance package deems meetings with a nutritionist as ‘preventative’ so they are fully covered.


I had my first meeting a few weeks back. I went in with a list of the following topics in mind

  1. New healthy foods to try
  2. How to enter and come off an autophagy fast
  3. Fructose Alternatives
  4. How much does skim milk matter vs higher fat content milks
  5. Other good non-meat sources of protein

The meeting was a resounding success. I was impressed with the knowledge of the nutritionist and the immediate set of recommendations provided.

It started as you’d expect: Lots of questions:

What are my current eating and exercise habits? Do I have any dietary restrictions? Recent blood work? Water consumption? Fitness goals? Fasting goals? What’s a typical day of eating look like? What’s my weight history look like? Have I had any medical issues recently? – All standard stuff.

The big goals I wanted to discuss were the 72 hour water only fasts I wanted to try, nutrition for weight training, and reducing my animal protein intake. For these, the nutritionist seemed to be very well educated. Though when I first brought up the 72 hour fast she had a look of concern that matched those of my Mom. That “Ugh, what sort of crazy thing are you doing now” sort of look. I described that I wanted to start doing 72 hour fasts once a month – Suddenly relief from the nutritionist.

“Oh, good. Once a month. I thought you wanted to do this weekly. Yes, a once a month 72 hour water only fast is doable. Trying to do it weekly would be very hard to sustain from a caloric intake standpoint for the other four days of the week.”

The nutritionists recommended a method for entering and coming off the fast which I’ll talk about a bit in my upcoming fast post. She also gave me some great snack recommendations specifically to help me increase fiber, protein, and non-meat sources:

Bada Bean Bada Boom – Fava beans. High in fiber and protein. AND DELICIOUS. Their sweet saracha is amazing.

Hippeas – Fun cheese puff-esque chickpea snacks perfect for some mid-afternoon crunch

Edamame pasta – EXPENSIVE. But so good, and a great alternative to pasta.

As a sugar substitute in baking, she recommended Truvia. We tried some in a banana bread and I enjoyed it.

I set up a follow up visit in August. I strongly encourage those of you with health insurance check to see if a nutritionist is covered for you!

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