This is kinda awesome.

An artist wrote a story. It’s one page long and it only contains nine words, but it will take 1000 years to read. The story is masked in layers of ink which, when exposed to ultraviolet light, reveal the words underneath them. There are different amounts of layers over each word so that the story, if continually exposed to natural sunlight, will appear slowly over the next 12 generations.


9 thoughts on “This is kinda awesome.

  • 6/19/2009 at 1:07 pm

    Wouldn’t it be more like 40 generations? I won’t be having kids when I’m 83.

  • 6/19/2009 at 3:25 pm

    I LOVE this comment:

    “I doubt my interest would hold that long. I’ll wait to see the movie”

  • 6/19/2009 at 3:36 pm

    I’m all about this (as referenced in the article and explained in this Wikipedia page)

    In 2002 Jonathon Keats held a petition drive to pass ‘A = A’ as statutory law in Berkeley, California. Specifically, the proposed law stated that, “every entity shall be identical to itself”. Any entity caught being unidentical to itself was to be subject to a fine of up to one tenth of a cent. The law did not pass.

  • 6/19/2009 at 7:23 pm

    It better not end on a cliffhanger…

  • 6/19/2009 at 8:15 pm

    I, for one, find this stupid.

  • 6/19/2009 at 11:12 pm

    I’m with Mom D on this one. This is very stupid. I mean, 9 words? I bet it’s a really lame haiku. Or maybe his high school locker combination spelled out.

    Oooh, he’s so antiestablishmentarianistic! I have an idea for a car that goes like 0.5mph to combat today’s high-speed travel conditions – how delightfully polar to current trends!
    Oh wait, we had that car, just like we had really slow news, about 5000 years ago. It was a pack animal dragging a sled rolling on logs, and nobody liked it then and nobdoy would stand for it now. Just like nobody likes waiting 1000 years to find out stuff that you decide is either “chat near the water-cooler” levels of slightly interesting, or completely unimportant.
    I’m annoyed at artists and the media – start being more spectacular or get out of my TV and the internet!

  • 6/19/2009 at 11:33 pm

    “Nobdoy”; one of my new favortie words!

  • 6/20/2009 at 6:12 pm

    But Nobdoy totally would stand for it! He’s wierd like that.


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