Lately, my subconscious has riddled me with nightmares, but such was not the case last night. No, last night I had a totally righteous dream.
I was back in my hometown. I was leaving church and walking home when I saw Irene and Vivienne walking up ahead. I started jogging to catch up… but something wasn’t quite right. I would take a stride, and go much farther than expected. I was running uphill, next to Stoneham’s own Pomworth park, but not feeling even remotely tired. I took an especially long stride and just kind of… coasted in the air for about 5 meters before returning to the ground. I pushed off again and went equally as far. Could I jump high too? Could I make it over the baseball diamond’s towering backstop fence? I pushed hard and up, up, up… I cleanly cleared the backstop.
Normally this alone would be pretty awesome, but imagine my glee when turning around the corner… came a convoy of Monster Trucks. How often are you faced with the sudden acquisition of a super power and an almost comedic opportunity to jump over a monster truck?
I jumped up and soared over the monster trucks. As I cleared a vertical exhaust pipe, the warm air pushed me higher still. I turned around in mid-air (interestingly, this is the only part in the dream where I thought “huh, I shouldn’t be able to do that”) and landed softly on the sidewalk.
Good job Subconscious. Good job.
I’ve been having some tripped out dreams as of late too. I blame it on the high pollen count.
Cool dream, Mike. I’ve had dreams where I could hover, and this one recurring dream where only my right leg hovers, giving me an awkward limp.
Tree – dream analysis!
Also I looked up monster trucks in one of those dream meaning books and apparently you are Batman.
I had a lucid dream last night. The kind where you know you’re in a dream but don’t wake up, and retain control over the dream world.
I was driving with Alicia over some seriously breathtaking terrain (think Corsican beach cliffs, 1000 feet above the water) in some sort of jeep/hovercraft. At times on the ground, and times floating a bit. We were bouncing all over the place (really really fun). At one point we hit a snag though and went hurling over the edge. But instead of getting freaked out (knowing it was a dream) I decided to crash the thing into the water 1000 feet below just to see what my dream version of the impact would be. Apparently the accelerator still worked because I hit the gas and we started going FAST. Of course before all that happened I explained to Alicia why it wouldn’t be an issue (and she was totally down for it). It was IN-FREAKING-TENSE when we hit the water. So so awesome, and suddenly slow-motion. When I was satisfied that I had seen what I came to see, I just rewound back to the mountain top, avoided the bad turn, and we continued on our joyride, which continued to be altogether spectacular.
I’ve been told that flying can be linked to apnea (you get light headed when you don’t breathe). My dad suffers pretty bad sleep apnea and he says he has flying dreams ALL the time… who knows.
Can I borrow your brain for a few nights? I never have awesome dreams like this.