The BeDazzler is here and it’s ready to go. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered anything so blindingly pink before. The glow of this box has the potential to destroy the reputation of any man not comfortable with his masculinity. That said, I must blog about it. Shield your eyes good friends. Shield your eyes.
Have you ever seen anything so powerfully effeminate? And to be honest, the picture doesn’t come close to the pink power of the real box. In real life, when you see this item, Clay Aiken, Josh Groban, and various boy band songs immediately get stuck in your head.
Once I get the silk screen prepared and order the proper BeDazzling rhinestones, we are going to make the Fibonacci Sequins t-shirts happen. Never before has a beDazzled shirt been so geeky. Get excited.
Awesome! I once bedazzled a frisbee, and it was great!
if the bedazzler was anything but the pinkest thing ever, i would be filled with disappointment. that being said i have the generic Gemtastic, it it came in a completely non discrete brown cardboard box. maybe its geared at the closet dazzler crowd.
You should display the emptied box in plain view within your apartment. Declare your pride and disturb your lucrative, lucrative renters.
I think you should bedazzle your kung-fu garb.
I want to know who that “Tana from National TV” is on the box. What was her National TV gig that she felt she needed to endourse the Bedazzler?
I think he needs to display it proudly on his desk at work.