It’s a Geeky Day here at Learn about Benford’s law in the feature section to the left, look at a really delicious sandwich in the quickthoughts*, and here’s a little info on Sonoluminescence. Awesome scrabble word huh?** Sonoluminescence is freaky. Apparently if you have some bubbles suspended in liquid… and you send some sound through the liquid, the bubble will pop and there will be a flash of light. Where does the light come from? The sound. But we don’t know why. The sound turns into light. The test is repeatable and reliable. Weird huh?
For more info, check out this source.
*not science… but definitely delicious
**I think the only way you’d ever be able to play it is if the words “son” and “scence” were properly spaced and you had olumine on your rack. You’d have to argue that it’s a word though, because I’m certain it’s not in the scrabble dictionary. Also, Scence isn’t a word. so really… forget it.
Oops! This just in! Even if you could somehow play it, sonoluminescence wouldn’t work because the scrabble board is only 15 squares wide. You’d never be able to fit that word. It’s 16 letters.
Oh well.
Also, you would never have “olumines” on your rack, because that’s 8 letters.
Actually, the tiles you’d need are olumine… not olumines. That dropped S brings it to 7 letters. But, that’s okay, Keep trying.
You could have ‘mines’, the use lucence to make luminescence, the follow it up with a Sono and make sure to make a rule before the game starts to have an “out of bounds” word score that is 10x. It could be an epic scrabble game.
Dude! Niiiiiice!
awwwww maaaaaaaannnnn
This sounds a little like the bioluminescence that we have in Woods Hole, produced by these little plankton critters when they get annoyed. One good way to annoy them is to hit them with a paddle. When rowing around in a rowboat at night, you leave trails of glowing, green bubbles behind you