ugh… I thought everything was under control. The water guy came by, and despite the difficulty of the job (there are all sorts of complications), he said that it could be done. I’ll get a quote in the morning and the pipe should be fixed (hopefully) by Thursday. On top of that, the neighbors allowed us to tap off of their water supply. By connecting a hose from their outside spigot to ours, we’re able to reverse plumb my house. There was a small leak in the hose connecting the houses… so I spent some money and repaired the line to ensure that no excess water would drip out.
Then Tony and Paulette, in an extremely kind gesture, came to Meriden and kidnapped me for some ice cream at the end of the day. Things were looking up.
When I got home however, I found the neighbors rather upset. They don’t feel comfortable providing water at night. Just during the day.
This is extremely tough for me because what bothers me more than any other thing is being an inconvenience to someone. When I feel like I’m being a burden it’s bad. I typically get restless and occasionally nauseous.
The neighbor’s being upset really got to me. And not being able to provide water to my roommates really gets to me. See, Brian and Liz both get up SO early in the morning that it’s basically night-time and right now it’s 11:30pm and Shaun still isn’t home from work. Without water at night… the house is essentially without water. During the normal day hours… none of us are even home.
And tomorrow, I’m scheduled to fly to Washington D.C. for work… frankly, I don’t know what to do.
I just don’t know what to do.