A few photos from last weekend

Whitestone is a beautiful beautiful area by Waterbury CT. It almost feels like something out of a Tolkien novel.

Amazing Whitestone Landscape.

On Saturday, Tony, Paulette, and I went climbing at Whitestone. I started with an easy 5.4 lead and then we did a little toprope action.

Some toprope

After the toprope, I attempted ‘Structures’.

‘Structures’ has an intimidating hand traverse about 40 feet off the ground which capitalizes on the ‘Freak Out’ factor. Once you start, you really can’t stop. If you fall, you’ll take a serious zinger and put quite a bit of stress on your gear.

The first move is a mild reach and then a high step onto a sloped surface.
Welcome to Sketch city

Then, you reach out with and move your hands further and further along. Notice there’s no solid feet placement along that wall.
Prayers were prayed.

Finally, you have to swing your leg up and over a ledge, all the while, hoping that your gear is good and that your fingers have the strength to finish the task.
Scared out of my mind

It was an amazing amazing climb. But, I think that I’m going to hold off on trying to lead any more 5.9’s. At least for the time being.

3 thoughts on “A few photos from last weekend

  • 5/30/2007 at 7:15 pm

    Hey Mike, When you are leading I want you to play a little game called “Keep the rope out from behind you leg at all times when leading”
    Its really easy. It also helps to keep the mood light due to the whole not flipping over and smashing your head/back against the rock.

  • 5/30/2007 at 9:42 pm

    #1. how is that more fun?
    #2. isn’t that what helmets are for?

    You’ll be happy to know that top rope climbing did nothing for me last weekend. I have been converted.

  • 5/31/2007 at 1:00 pm

    Less trips to the hospital + less recovering from head injuries = more time for climbing -> MORE FUN!!


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