Hoping for a Snow Day

Oh the joys of watching snow pile up outside your window when you know that you’re scheduled to have an evening class. I am as anxious as a 10 year old.

My mother has held a job at the school library ever since I traipsed the halls of elementary school. I never saw this as a bad thing. It was pretty convenient to be able to go to your mom in the library if you needed a pass, got sick, or forgot your lunch at home. One other major advantage is that our house would get a phone call whenever school was canceled or delayed for a snow day. I can remember quite vividly laying in my bed on snowy mornings at 5:00am, wide awake, anxiously awaiting the early morning phone call.

Then it would ring. From my room I could hear my mother pick up the phone. She would make some sort of acknowledgment of the news into the phone and then hang up the phone and shout the news to her impatient children:

“No School!”
“90 min delay!”
“60 min delay!”

at which point my sisters and I would let out a quiet cheer from our bedrooms, turn off our alarms, and pull ourselves back under the warmth of the covers. It was great.

12 thoughts on “Hoping for a Snow Day

  • 3/16/2007 at 7:42 am

    I am sure I have wondered this before, but why the heck would they hold a class on a Friday night in the first place??

  • 3/16/2007 at 8:13 am

    well, it’s a weekend MBA program. So all hours are fair game between 5pm on Friday and 12 pm on Sunday.

  • 3/16/2007 at 8:23 am

    I used to do the same thing. But it was my dad who got the phone call, and I was in high school.

    It was great.

  • 3/16/2007 at 8:51 am

    it’s the ultimate in convenience.

    now, I have to check myself and listen to endless listings on the radio and television.

    Not as cool.

  • 3/16/2007 at 9:04 am

    Sister, singular. Mom started working after I graduated from high school. I think.

  • 3/16/2007 at 9:41 am

    The only time I ever had a snow day was when I lived in MA when I was 5/6. It was awesome – a day off school AND there’s snow everywhere!!!

    Never happens in the south of England, of course :P

  • 3/16/2007 at 11:10 am

    We had a couple of days like that in Ohio this year. However in this town we panick even at the prediction of snow so schools start closing the night before. My bad habit is stayin up till 1 am waiting for it to show up on the TV that school is closed. And then when it isn’t having to hall my sleepy butt out of bed to make it on time in the morning.

  • 3/16/2007 at 11:12 am

    It also has a tendency to snow right at rush hour! Causing huge traffic jams and doubling commute times.

  • 3/16/2007 at 1:56 pm

    My mom who was my high school librarian did the same thing. Those librarians sure are in the know.

  • 3/16/2007 at 3:21 pm

    Where in MA did you live?


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