This weekend was a busy one. Saturday after some chores I zipped out to cape cod to see Old Man Schenk, Ruth, and Meowstrow in their new Falmouth apartment. It was awesome. Not only is it a super quaint area, the house and surrounding naturesqueness is gorgeous. After some fun times and tasty tofu (tasty?), I continued onward to Eastham where I helped the rents with some lawn mowing.
‘Lawn mowing’ isn’t quite the right phrase. ‘Power deforestation’ is closer. I didn’t cut the grass, I introduced the grass to its maker. Brush was taken down with a violent hurrah. It was as close to X-TREME LAWN CARE as you could get. I took a video and will post it tomorrow in the feature section.
After some beach and some bbq, I made the loooong treck back to CT. It ended up being a smart move because Memorial Day morning I had the opportunity to do some outdoor climbing. I went with two gents from the climbing gym: Devon and Chris. It was my first experience with Traditional climbing, where the climber places his/her own gear. I was not leading but ‘following’ or ‘seconding’ because I don’t quite have the experience or know how for protection placement. I also did my first multi-pitch route. A multi-pitch is where climber A climbs halfway up the cliff face. He then secures himself and provides a belay for the Climber B. Climber B follows up the route cleaning the protection as he goes. Upon meeting climber A at the half way point, climber B takes up the belay, and climber A continues onward. In this manner very high cliff faces can be climbed without the need for a 600 foot rope and four hundred thousand pieces of protection.
It was really relaxing. A very beautiful day on the rocks indeed.
Finally, I finished up my weekend with some yardwork, home improvements, and tennis. Overall I would say the weekend was a stunning success.
My 3-day weekend (we had Monday off too, but for a generic “public holiday” rather than Memorial day) consisted of
Friday night: See X-Men 3
Saturday: do nothing.
Sunday: do nothing.
Monday: do nothing.
So yeah, it was pretty boring. Oh, but I did get to clean up a dismembered baby rabbit that one of the cats had brought in. That was nice…
Saturday, we had a double baptism and an annointing. Sunday was my mother-in-law’s birthday. Two cakes in one weekend. Monday it was 90 degrees outside so I stayed in the air conditioned house most of the day and watched Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. And I grilled a roast in that heat and told my husband that the next time he wants grilled food when it’s 90 degrees outside, he’s cooking it.
You were in Falmouth? And Eastham? I was in Falmouth on the weekend too! Keep in mind that there’s always a chance that I’ll be down there in the summer…let me know when you will be to and we can see if we coincide…