Hip Hip Hippo!

Wow. I just wrote a whole post and then lost it. Darn it. Here goes again…

THANKS to all the participants in this week’s contest. All of the entries were super exciting. The Challenge was to submit an MSPaint picture of a matador up against an angry purple hippo.

I received five entries total, so I’m going to try something a little different this time. MSPaint styles are very specific and repeated among artists. Using the images below, your challenge is to guess who submitted each drawing.

Hippo 1.
Artist #1 often times walks down the path of the abstract. I’m not sure what the thing in the upper right is… but I think it might be a disco ball. This one shouldn’t be too hard to guess because there are some returning themes from previous contests. Great job Artist 1!

Hippo 2.
By far the easiest to identify, Artist 2 has a very obvious style. Crisp curving lines and sharp color contrasts are typical for this artist. Great job Artist 2!

Hippo 3.
This is an amazing Hippo. The impressiveness might be the easiest thing to draw upon for this artist. Look for the common usage of the spray paint tool and the way that the artist makes the lines look hand drawn. This is a stunning picture. well done Artist 3!

Hippo 4.
This may be the hardest of the bunch to identify. I was informed by the artist that the entire picture was drawn in record speed with just the Round brush and Fill tool. The color choices might be the best way to identify this artist. Well done Artist 4!

Hippo 5.
This hippo is hilarious. In trying to identify artist 5 look for usage of the spray paint tool as well as general hilarity. This one might be tough too because I don’t know if i would say that this style is typical of his/her work. hmm. good luck on this one. Excellent work Artist 5! hilarious!

If you happen to know that a person participated, or if you know which drawing belongs to which artist through alternate means I would request that you do not participate in guessing for that particular drawing. If you submitted a drawing feel free to throw out some guesses for one or two of the other submissions!

Finally ,here are some references in your quest for artists. Each of the artists above participated in at least one of the following contests.

The Cupcake Armageddon contest, and its results
The Pirate contest, and its results
The Clown contest, and its results

For even more samples, click here.

15 thoughts on “Hip Hip Hippo!

  • 2/17/2006 at 1:01 pm

    The only one I can guess at the moment is #2: Mike D. #3 is excellent though.

  • 2/17/2006 at 1:48 pm

    Hippo #2 is DEFINITELY Patrick!

    More ID’s to come…

  • 2/17/2006 at 2:36 pm

    I’m going to guess Darren or Ben for hippo Number 1 – although mostly darren cause I’m pretty sure that’s grimace, that weird mcdonald’s purple thing in the right hand corner.

    I also think hippo 2 is mike d

  • 2/17/2006 at 2:45 pm

    Interestingly enough this Darren individual has yet to participate in an MSPaint contest. So I can assure you that he is not Artist 1. however! you’re on to something with the Grimace comment.

  • 2/17/2006 at 2:52 pm

    then who is clown #11 in the MS paint contest: clown round? huh mr. smarty pants?

  • 2/17/2006 at 2:54 pm

    also your blog won’t let me correct the ferociously mistyped freudian slip I put in that last comment

  • 2/17/2006 at 2:54 pm

    DARN IT! I’m an idiot.

    My apologies to Darren for forgetting he existed. And obviously I’m an idiot for revealing the fact that he is not Artist 1.

    You know what? that whole comment was Way off. don’t think Grimmace when you see that little purple thing either. Clearly I was messed up.

  • 2/17/2006 at 3:23 pm

    Hippo #5 is ROLAND!

    More ID’s to come…

  • 2/17/2006 at 3:26 pm

    Give us some reasoning SMcQuaid! how do you do your magic?

  • 2/17/2006 at 3:41 pm

    He just KNOWS. It’s an innate 6th sense. Not a very useful one, mind.

  • 2/17/2006 at 4:23 pm

    You really want me to give away the mystery?

    How do I know the answers to all of my questions?

    How do I know who drew what art?

    It’s all in the MIND, baby…

  • 2/17/2006 at 6:25 pm

    i really just like reading what mikeD writes about his own picture lol

    is hippo #3 Jesse?

  • 2/18/2006 at 10:14 am

    Hippo #3 is KURT! (maybe. I admit, I’m not sure on this one. But it’s probably KURT!)


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