The Battle

The Battle

Shortly after sharing a McDonalds lunch with Godzilla, the 50 foot tall Kurt outfitted himself in Halo armor and went after his true target. Godzilla led Kurt back to his lair thinking they would partake in a fun game of Yahtzee but instead Kurt pulled out a gun and blasted away Godzilla’s best friend. As the purple beast collapsed, the children of the world let out a cheer so loud and full of happiness that the joy manifested itself as a shield for Kurt and protected him against Godzilla’s nuclear breath.

4 thoughts on “The Battle

  • 3/18/2005 at 5:49 pm

    Um, let’s be big kids about this you use mature words, like ‘MOLJNIR Armor’. Nice drawing, though.

  • 3/19/2005 at 8:56 am

    What can I say. Little Kids Love me. And I am a crack shot with the Sub Machine Gun. Shauna said godzilla was lucky I didn’t bring my slingshot and a sack full of marbles then he too would have been on the killing end of things. On a side note, I brought my brother and his girlfriend to Jordan’s Furniture in Natick yesterday. They said it was the best store they have ever been in. Best store ever, out of all the stores they have ever been in. They can’t wait to go to the redding store and be trapeeze artists. WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

  • 3/20/2005 at 1:05 pm

    Oh my God!! You killed Barney….not sure if all the children in world would rejoice, only American ones. As thankfully he is not that popular over here!


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