Automatic Post #3

This is an automatic post.

This is the third of seven. Each post contains a MSPaint masterpiece that fulfills a request made last Wednesday by readers.

He's on Fire.

notes by the artist:
The hardest part of this drawing was deciding what constitutes an ‘army’. I decided that 5 was a good number. Specifically because drawing Ninja Lizards is hard.

The rest wasn’t so bad. For some reason I don’t believe this was the first time I drew the A-Team van. And it was certainly not the first time I’ve drawn a lemur playing a burning flying-V guitar.

9 thoughts on “Automatic Post #3

  • 3/6/2005 at 9:44 am

    Now I see a slight contrast of interest. Barracus would not fly on an airplane or come anywhere near anything that had anything to do with flying. I feel that the inclusion of a ‘flying’ V guitar on his van as a slight contradiction. or the lemur used some sort of ridiculously compex method to get B asleep while he battled the ninja lizards.

  • 3/6/2005 at 6:11 pm

    I see it as BJ was goin to the grocery store, and the lemur just happened to land on his van, while wailing on a guitar, easily speeding away from the ninjas.

  • 3/6/2005 at 8:35 pm

    Until I read the title, I thought it was a skinny teenwolf playing guitar, simply because of the scene in Teen-Wolf where Micheal J. Fox rides around town on his friend “Styles”‘s van, which he recently painted and named the Wolfmobile. J. Fox does some backflips on the van, and plays air guitar, all while driving around. I thought you were recreating this awesome cinema moment with a skinny teenwolf, and the somewhat nonsensical addition of Ninja Lizards (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles influence? Mondo Gecko?)

  • 3/6/2005 at 10:15 pm

    Good thoughts gents. BJ was at the grocery store. And the lizards definitely had a little TMNT influence.

    rock on.

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  • 5/18/2005 at 1:14 pm

    Nice work, you ever visit any of the pixel art sites, mike?

  • 6/5/2005 at 10:55 am

    that A-Team lemur lizards graphic is fantastic, I love all the componants of that image. That pretty much (re)defines cool-o-rama.


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