This is an automatic post.
This is the second of seven. Each post contains a MSPaint masterpiece that fulfills a request made last Wednesday by readers.
notes by the artist:
For those of you who are unsure, kurt’s on the left. Godzilla’s on the right. This piece went together pretty smoothly. It probably only took about 10 minutes from start to finish. Please note the seasame seeds on the burger buns. That effect was created with the far underused ‘slant’ paintbrush feature. That same tool can be used to make mock caligraphy.
I think this drawing came out pretty well.
Wow, that McDonald’s was sure nice to have made them giant burgers.
I like how you left out the lettuce and tomatoes on my sandwich. Nice little personal touch there. For those of you who don’t know, I can’t eat raw fruits and vegetables of any kind. Very realistic. That is SO what I would have said.
its true, i would wager to say that’s a big mac with no lettuce and tomatos and that’s what kurt would say to most anyone if they asked if he was going to eat his fries.
One slight error, where is Kurts eye? It’s just glasses and then blank nothingness!
Nothing wrong there. He got that correct. Maybe Mike will let me post a picture of myself when he gets back so as to prove that he is correct.
that’s great. such a kurt thing to do… being mean to the giant brown (why is he brown?) godzilla. i’d like to see the follow up where godzilla uses his fire breath (or did godzilla have lightning breath?) to set kurt on fire for calling him names.
Actually Godzilla had Nuclear, or Nucular, Breath. It could melt tanks. Much like my breath when I wake up. So I challenge the Giant freak of nature to a battle over Tokyo. I shall reign supreme.
greetings from Georgia. As soon as I get the opportunity, I assure you that there will be a good MSPaint fight scene: Kurt vs. Godzilla. And leaving the lettuce/tomato off of the sandwich was definitely intentional. as was leaving out Kurt’s eye.