The acclaim struggles

The Acclaim to Fame is not a happy machine.

the radio has stopped working, unless you apply hard constant pressure to the on switch with your palm or foot for 5-10 seconds. Also, it no longer can safely hit speeds above 65 mph without shaking violently. And.. whenever I go over a moderate sized bump it makes a sound similar to that which one would expect to hear if a metal trash can full of marbles was thrown down a flight of stairs.

10 thoughts on “The acclaim struggles

  • 12/29/2004 at 1:37 pm

    i would have rather seen an image of you driving while applying constant pressure on the on-switch with your palm or foot. preferably foot.

  • 12/29/2004 at 2:03 pm

    Normally I jump at the chance to satisfy an MSPaint challenge, but I fear I don’t even know where to start in illustrating the contortions required to keep pressure on the Acclaim radio’s on switch. I think this one is better left to the imagination.

  • 12/29/2004 at 4:10 pm

    Have you considered new shocks? They’re not that expensive, Mr. Home-owner.
    Or, let’s make a video of you/car and send it to my man ‘X to the Z’ on “pimp my ride” and get it turned into a slick ghetto racer with a huge spoiler and a playstation in the back. Then, instead of it being “Barely on the road”, it would be “totally off the hook”.

  • 12/31/2004 at 3:25 am

    From my experience lots of things work after applying hard constant pressure to X with your palm or foot for 5-10 seconds

  • 1/3/2005 at 3:46 am

    That was so intriging that I went and threw a garbage can full of marbles down my steps to hear what they sounded like. Right after I went and looked up the spelling for “intriguing”, which I still probably spelled wrong.

  • 1/3/2005 at 9:55 am

    My car radio is in similar trouble. It screeches and cracks like someone is draggin aneedle across a record. I find that 5 or ten good solid punches to the dashboard makes the radio calm down to a dull hissing noise.


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