Skyline 20

Jon Abad and Roland took the glory this week with their successful identification of Blood Gulch and the WoW Thunder Bluff. Great job dudes!

This week we’re back to ‘real’ skylines and satellite images. So check it out:

Skyline 20!

Satellite 20!

And, if you can shed some light on the significance of the satellite image you’ll be a mikedidonato .com wonder.

Good luck!

Skyline 19

Congrats to Patrick, Mykal, Liz, and UUIG for figuring out last week’s Satellite image as Prague. And good job to Liz & Will for snagging the Dallas skyline title just before the deadline.

This week’s challenge is a little different. You’ll be able to figure out why. Let’s see how good Patrick’s satellite recognition skills REALLY are. bwa ha ha



Skyline 18

Congrats to Jocelyn and the Design studio for successfully identifying last week’s skyline as Kathmandu, Nepal. Also, great job goes to Patrick for identifying the satellite image which was also Kathmandu, Nepal.

I am running out of Skylines!! If you happen to have any hanging around on your hard drive or if you live in a location that has a skyline and are willing to take a photo, I’d love it if you’d send me some images.

But for now, you know what you need to do.

Identify the skyline and the satellite image.

Good luck!