Moving Onward

This week has been so so strange. The death of a loved one is such a weirdly tough thing to go through. Grief is a very powerful emotion, and grief’s impact changes so dramatically per situation. But we just gotta keep on going – so that’s that.

Tomorrow I’m off from work to head home for the funeral and celebration of my grandmother’s life. Thanks to everyone who has showed sympathy. I appreciate it greatly.

Next Monday I will resume with regular posts Hopefully, I’ll be able to arrange a few great stories to share about Grandma D. Additionally, I have some pending posts that highlight a few vibrant kitchen purchases and some very very well knit mittens.

Thanks for tuning in. See you next week!

Some Sad News

Sadly, on Monday Grandma D. passed away. She died peacefully and comfortably in the presence of my Aunt.

Madolyn DiDonato was 94 years old and a really awesome lady. At some point over the next few weeks I’m hoping to be able to focus a few posts on her to share some of her life with you.

In the meantime, raise your glass with me and toast Grandma D, a woman whose staggering musical skill and sharp wit potently influenced the lives of the DiDonato family.

Grandma D and Dad D on Grandma D's 93rd Birthday

I miss you Grandma D. Here’s to you and Grandmas everywhere.

Operation Demarcation

I returned home from vacation yesterday after logging countless hours at the beach. It was an awesome vacation of relaxation, mindlessness, and adventures aplenty. One of these adventures was Operation Demarcation*: a secret mission as devised by Theresa and Julie.

This secret mission involved the careful placement of blankets for a big baseball game on Cape Cod. In seasons past, we’ve gone to said games completely unprepared – forced to sit in horrible places with a poor view of the field. And while I wouldn’t be able to attend this year’s game, Theresa and Julie wanted prime real estate. The tactic? Place the blankets the night before the game (apparently this is what all the hardcore fans do).

The ladies approach the field - Theresa is making a nervous face

After scoping out the available space, the ladies decided upon a nice swath of land halfway up a hill (for an all natural bleacher effect).

Suddenly we realized a problem we hadn’t considered: What could we use to secure the blankets?!!?! Wind or fan encroachment could easily disrupt an unfastened blanket! Amazingly, Theresa had a tent in her trunk – and more importantly, tent pegs. Was this luck? or was it FATE.

Julie contemplates the convenience of the available tent pegs

We thoroughly secured the blankets with the pegs, and promptly left for victory ice cream.

Sadly, I couldn’t make it to the game. But Theresa and Julie report that the secret mission was a resounding success and the blankets were still strongly secured at 7pm the following day.


*this secret mission didn’t really have a name. But I’m totally stoked that I came up with Operation Demarcation just now.