more dreams

When I have dreams, I usually have them for a few nights in a row.

Last night I had a dream that I was dating a beautiful Hispanic girl. She wore a necklace with shells on it, a flower in her hair, and long flowing skirts with lots of embroidery. She had long dark hair and bronze skin. She was very pretty. While we were together at a musical event, I met a cute redhead with serious green eyes (thinking back, I guess that’s kind of christmassy. It didn’t seem that way in the dream). I asked the redhead out on a date DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE HISPANIC GIRL. Was it crass? yes. in fact the Hispanic girl started crying a little bit. But really? I had saved her family from a car stuck in quicksand earlier in the dream (I pulled it out of there like a champ), so she shouldn’t have been too upset with me.
It was kind of like this
Unfortunately she had some friends who did not like the fact that I had been so insensitive and they came after me with knives. Then the dream went from romance into action and there was hiding, knife throwing, and fast action kung fu.

Overall, it was a pretty awesome dream. Though I do feel kinda bad about getting the number of that redhead.

Weekend update!

This weekend was good. In addition to tons of guitar playing, there was a jam session, kung fu, cooking, gaming, and plenty of work on the acclaim. I also managed to clean out a good portion of junk that’s been cluttering my room. I’m going to try and get rid of as many of my unused posessions as possible over the coming weeks. Old Clothes, old papers, old computer files, everything. Simplification is the goal and the trash barrel is the means.


I forgot to mention, last night I had a dream that I won the grand prize in a contest. as a result, I got to spend a whole afternoon with the entire cast of the hit 90’s TGIF show: Step By Step.


Last night I had a dream that I was in a King Kong movie. note: I haven’t actually seen the king kong movie. But in my dream I was on a giant platform of branches and leaves with a few other people. And we had to perform tasks to try and escape the strange island. The first task was to jump off the platform and land on a different platform that was spinning around the base. If you were unsuccessful you fell into a deep pit of bananas which would cushion your fall. You then had to climb up the bananas and up the pillars of the platform so that you could attempt the jump again.

I really thought this would be a simple task. But it wasn’t. And on my first attempt I fell into the banana bin. As I climbed out of the bin I found a path that snaked off in a different direction. I took said path and found myself in a strange town that was part town part temple. I met a guy with thick rimmed glasses who offered me a place to stay for the evening. Then my alarm went off.

I’m feeling much better today.

Library Robots

Got me a library card yesterday. It was fun and exciting because seriously… it’s like having a really book wealthy friend who’s always willing to let you borrow their books.

If anyone wants to read along, my first book to tackle is SALT, A World History. Everyone I’ve spoke to who has read it, loved it.
The library gives me three weeks, so I intend to take exactly that. First deadline: November 15th. Feel free to find the book at your local library and read along.

I also had a very vibrant dream last night.

I was feeling a bit sick at work and decided to see the company doctor. I signed up for a 6:30 appointment right after my friend Steve Werlin. Meanwhile robots were taking over the company. thankfully there were a bunch of classic cars and motorcycles hidden underneath the floor and people were jumping into them to race away from the killer robots. I hooked a ride with a girl in a red dress who drove a red Karmann Ghia. A co-worker of mine was making passes at red dress girl’s sister (who also wore red). In all the robot fleeing, I forgot about my appointment with the doctor and didn’t show up until 7. Thankfully they let me still see a doctor. When I reported to my patient room, there was a free fruit buffet. Strawberries and pineapple. oh, it was great. The Janitor said I was welcome to have some food.