Phone conversation.

I call a customer back after our call is disconnected.

Mike D: Hi, this is Mike.
Important customer: Hi Mike. I’m sorry. This stupid cell phone disconnects my calls all the time
Mike D: Oh, no that was me.
Important customer: But you’re not on a cell, I called you at work.
Mike D: yeah… I turned around in my chair and it pulled the cord. The cord pulled the phone base which teetered on the edge of my desk… I grabbed for it but missed and hit the body instead of the edge thus pushing the phone base off the desk. It bounced across the room and the phone cable came undone. Sorry about that.
Important customer: wow.

Mother vs. Daughter

As an impartial member of the DiDonato family, I got a great view of the wedding mayhem. Particularly fun were the deliberate things my mom and sister were doing to have ‘fun’ with one another.

a few days pre-wedding

Alicia: MIKE! don’t shave for a couple days. then, on the morning of the wedding come out with a mustache. Mom will freak out!!

day of wedding (before the mustache stunt)

Mom: Mike, see if you can time your shower downstairs so that it starts right when Alicia gets in the shower upstairs. You’ll steal all her hot water.
