One Google Chat. 50 People Strong.

This morning started out like any other morning. I was working on my paper at the bar of Eastham’s chocolate sparrow. I had gmail open and noticed a new feature being offered.

Group chat.

I decided to try it out with Ben and Shamus. As expected, it worked. But… was there a limit to its capabilities?

We immediately set out on a goal to try and pull in 100 people into a single chat. We soon determined that this was HUGE overkill and I dropped our goal down to 50. 50… seemed possible. After about 30 or 40 minutes of telling people to invite more people and seeing our numbers raise and drop over and over again we hovered at 47. There was suddenly a huge drive and our numbers jumped to 51. FIFTY ONE. (fifty two if you include me). There was a choir of congratulations and then suddenly everyone left.


Unfortunately, my screenshot showing the number 51 failed. But the image above gives a quick visual display of how many 50 really is.

Was there a limit? well… not directly. But firefox wasn’t very happy with us. The lag time jumped considerably and people were having trouble joining.

Thanks to everybody who participated!! I hope you had fun.

A bowl of chicken soup and 11 hours of sleep.

And I’m still sick.

I guess it was bound to happen really. I had recently decided that I should train myself to sleep less. How exciting could life become if I could snag an extra hour a day… or two hours? man. A free 700 hours a year seems too awesome to not try it. Especially 700 hours of guitar practice. I bet with 700 hours of guitar a year I could be Jimmy Page.

Then I look around and see those that dominate sleep like it was a pile of stationary star bits in Super Mario Galaxy waiting to be owned by an experienced player two. Tim Baird survives healthfully off of about 5 hours. Irene can seemingly live off 4. JonAbad? well heck. Some say Jon hasn’t slept since the renaissance.

So I tried it. I started going to bed later and later and getting up at the same time.

And, as every rational reader would have predicted, I pretty much failed miserably. And this morning, as I woke up fully refreshed but totally sick after 11 hours of deep sleep I decided to do some quick web research about this idea. That’s right. I decided to research AFTER trying it instead of before. Anyway, in general people say that you can’t do it. But there are some good points of ‘if you improve the quality’ perhaps you can then sleep less. Paulette suggested that perhaps some yoga or relaxation techniques before bed would help. Tony said I should buy an expensive comfy bed. My mom told me I was an idiot and that I should go to bed.

Oh well.

Hi Team.

hey guys!

Things have been really interesting. Work is plowing forward like a steamroller. It’s aggressive and each week has me with a to-do list that rivals the Iliad in its monstrosity. Home life has been mostly guitar and school work. I need to jump back on the fitness train with kung fu, climbing, and lifting. Unfortunately classes have also been heavy. I have a bunch of papers that I need to write within the next two weeks and it’ll probably end up getting messy.

The fun side of life has also been super. This past weekend was great. After all sorts of classes, I hit up Irene’s party dressed up as nunchucks

There was also some sick roller derby which will be recapped in the features section either later tonight or tomorrow.