The Cheese Files Vol. III and Vol. IV

This week we have two cheeses. The first is Piave Vecchio the second is a Camembert. First, let’s talk Piave. This one is a dense cows milk cheese from Northern Italy. We were suspecting Florence what with the Ponte Vecchio… but we were guessing the origin off the wrong word. Our focus shouldn’t have been the ‘vecchio’ as much as the ‘piave’. Piave is a river in Northeast Italy. The cheese is named after this river. The ‘vecchio’ is a clue that this particular cheese was aged for more than 6 months. In our case with our red label there is further definition of this cheese’s age. Ours is considered a Piave Vecchio Seleziono Oro (Italian for “I choose Gold”) which was aged for over a year.


The cheese itself is hard and has a very pleasant sweetness. For this cheese we tried our our new cheese plane. Perfect for hard cheeses, the plane shaves a thin slice of cheese off a block. I recommend this tool to all cheese fans. Let’s rate the cheese!

Worthwhile for the price, this one is fun and independent. It also gets a bonus for having a long shelf life. That is always appreciated.
Taste 3/4
Price $$
Independence: High

The other cheese in that picture is a basic French Camembert. Camembert is a soft milk cheese. Creamy deliciousness in every sense. Fromage’s Camembert has a favorable nutty flavor.

Completely delicious but for me it requires a carrier.
Taste 4/4
Price $$
Independence: Low

Long live Cheese!

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