Two Quick Stories

1. Saying I’m in Beijing is a bit of a stretch. I’m actually in Changping which is a dramatically less populous area on the northern outskirts of the city. In fact, breakfast at my hotel reminds me a lot of those ending scenes of 2001 a space Odyssey. Breakfast is held in a huge room. It has tall ceilings, ornate decorations, plates of food, and pristine table cloths. Yet despite this glitz and glamor, there’s no one else to share it. I sit at a huge round dinner table with the buffet table spread out in front of me and there’s isn’t a soul in sight. It’d dead quiet except for the occasional moment when my fork scrapes against the plate.

2. China really has a unique spot on the global culinary scene. It’s got all-stars like dumplings and delicious rices, but I have a hard time diving in when there’s a duck head* on my plate staring back at me. In somewhat related news, I haven’t thrown up yet on this trip. Keep your fingers crossed that I’ll make it through Thursday without digestive upheaval.

*It tasted like awkward.

6 thoughts on “Two Quick Stories

  • 1/26/2010 at 4:53 pm

    Eaten anything wierd yet?

  • 1/26/2010 at 5:48 pm

    yes. Please reread today’s post.

  • 1/26/2010 at 6:05 pm

    But have you eaten anything WEIRD?

  • 1/27/2010 at 10:47 am

    Remember that episode of the Cosby Show where Dr. Huxtable takes Rudy and her friends out to eat at a fancy restaurant? They ask about duck a l’orange, and he says it’s duck with orange sauce; the kids say ask if they have to eat the whole duck, and Kenney says there’s no way he’s eating a duck face.

    I bet when that episode is in syndication in China, people think that American children are lame.

  • 1/27/2010 at 11:08 am

    Do you really hate all of us….or just Jesse?


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