Pending Adventures

I’m back! The last week or so has been extremely exciting as I completed my portion of a feisty test-set for work and prepped for a business trip and a vacation. Additionally, the House of Rock has been sans internet, so updating this website became quite a challenge. The good news is that I am now waiting patiently at Bradley Airport in Hartford using the free internet and getting pumped for the upcoming adventures.

My trip starts shortly. I get to Detroit around 1pm this afternoon after flying through Philadelphia (uh oh) where I will whisk myself off to downtown Detroit to check in at my hotel. After check in, I’m going to explore the city a little bit and then head over to Comerica Park where I got seats – box seats even – for tonight’s Tiger’s game against Baltimore.

I enjoy baseball. I love following the Red Sox through their trials and tribulations. But despite these Red Sox devotions, I fell in love with Comerica Park when I drove by almost five years ago after my first business trip with my company. All around the park are huge sculpted Tigers. Example. It’s really very cool, and I’m thrilled to finally achieve my ‘go to a baseball game at Comerica Park’ goal. Sadly, I haven’t replaced the camera that broke in Ukraine, so I’ll have to convey my experience on this website simply with words.

Tomorrow starts with a drive out to Grand Rapids, MI for some work with a customer. Thursday evening I’m staying in Detroit again, though if work concludes early I may try and zip through Ann Arbor on the way back.

Friday begins the vacation. I’m flying out to visit Sarah T. in Oregon for a week of adventure. One highlight on the to-do list is an epic climbing of Mount St. Helens. It’s going to be great! Also, I’m working on a new Kung Fu Party trick video, so I hope to enlist Alicia’s help while I’m in Portland and create a rock solid GarageBand soundtrack.

Great things are in store! Stay tuned!

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