
Hello Readers!

Things have been pretty crazy lately, so I must apologize for the lack of updates. First, let’s talk a bit about this past weekend. Friday night saw the purchase of a new vehicle which will find its way into the feature section of the website either this week or next. Saturday had some kung fu and an amazing game of Battlestar Gallactica.

Sunday was tennis and wake boarding.

I took one particularly nasty fall when wake boarding. I managed to get just a little bit of air and land it on one pass and got a little overconfident. I tried a second time and the leading edge of the board dipped below the water surface quite aggressively putting me into a faceplant position. I’m still a bit sore from the impact. It was annoying. Next time, I’ll have to take it a little bit easier and maybe focus more on cruising around instead of making jumps.

Last night was some rock climbing and some board games, tonight is kung fu. On top of life’s adventures, work has been super busy with a heck of a lot of customer visits. I love being busy.

So far it’s been a pretty great summer.

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