This is a color IQ test. It takes a little while, but the results are pretty interesting. Sadly, I got a bit fed up with the whole process and rushed at the end. I’d say it takes about 5-10 minutes.
You can view my results here.
After you’ve taken the test, please feel free to share your results.
I got an 8. I am super human.
I got 4. It took more like 20 minutes for me. Then, I was unable to close my eyes for a few hours.
I also got a 4, but I timed myself, and I took 3 min 07 sec.
I wonder the monitor you are using could hurt you. Perhaps mine poorly displays colors in the range where it says I have poor hue discriminati0n… just a thought.
I hate you.
(not really!)
Actually, this might be true. I did my color test on an apple IIc. that’s probably why my score is tending to be between 10 and 20 times that of my
rivalsfriendsI was just giving you the out. I didn’t really believe it…
I got a 32
I took it again and didn’t give up quickly, and got 4
4 also. Took like 7 minutes. Monitors have EVERYTHING to do with this test – a CRT will usually display things more clearly, fyi. Ever wonder what this thing is?
If you think this is hard, try black and white scales –
I got a 53, and my eyes are now officially killing me. I’m going to take it again later, and cover up the other rows I’m not working on. I feel I’ll be able to do much better that way.
Ninja Edit: I was using an LG FLATRON L1718S set to 1280×1024 at 32 colors.
I got a 0! I guess I have an advantage though seeing as my daddy is a colorist for an imaging studio.
I got a 118, but I am also red-green colorblind, so I’m okay.
I got a 7. I was working on a Commodore 64 Greenscreen.
I scored 4
I don’t think the monitor is as important as you think, Sander, because this test measures your perception of relative hues, not color saturation or value.
You’re right in saying that your monitor can hugely effect colors onscreen, but this usually has to do with saturation or value contrast (hence those patterns that you posted), and NOT with the hue of the color displayed, especially relative to others.
When I was done and had submitted the results it said: “You have perfect color vision!”
And I’d like to point out that I have old eyes.
i got a 4. i didn’t time myself so no idea how long it took.
I got a 12, with all the problems in the middle blue and green range. I think I might take it again.
Retake on the iMac – scored a 9. Turns out monitors make all the difference.
I also got a 12. Kudos to you low scorers!
I got an 8, and now I’m going to go jogging, because otherwise I will spend all day doing this until I get a zero.
I got a zero, and I’m completely shocked. I was sure I’d messed it up.