Company Picnic.

As our company picnic concludes and I start my walk back into the building to get my stuff and head home, I bump into two of our executives.

Vice President: “Mike D? You suck at the tire throw.”
President: “and at basketball free throws.”
Vice President: “and at horseshoes.”
President: “and at the egg toss.”
Vice President: “Wait, the egg toss too? Weren’t you on one of those final teams Mike?”
Mike D: “… no…”
Vice President: “oh. well? okay then.”

Stupid work. They never choose rock climbing or Kung Fu sparring as company picnic sports.

7 thoughts on “Company Picnic.

  • 9/12/2008 at 3:57 pm

    Clearly you need to get a spot on the Party Planning Committee.

  • 9/12/2008 at 11:06 pm

    That’s when I woulda said, “You know what I don’t suck at? Kicking your ass.”

  • 9/13/2008 at 9:28 am

    Actions speak louder than words. You shoulda just dropped them both with a roundhouse to the face. Or, if you were feeling less aggressive, you could have just simply reminded them of this video demonstrating your mad skills…

  • 9/13/2008 at 6:09 pm

    Ok, so glad that link was posted so that I would watch it and then get to see Mike D., The Musical. Holy crap. Awesome.

  • 9/18/2008 at 8:00 pm

    Mental image: Mike D fighting two suited businessmen, 70s kung-fu movie style playing in the background. Awesome.

  • 9/18/2008 at 8:01 pm

    Ha! Yeah, email that to the P & VP with “can we get Kung Fu Awesomeness included in the activities at the next picnic?”


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