I’ve really been a lot more interested in Astronomy since our little trip to the Frosty Drew Observatory a few weeks ago. It’s surprisingly fun when you start hunting down excitement in the night sky.
I got my telescope in 1999. It’s an 8″ Celestron, so it’s a good sized beast. 8″ refers to the size of the mirror, and in the world of telescopes this one flirts with the edge between Amateur and Hardcore.
Since that fateful night in Rhode Island, I’ve brought my telescope outside four or five times to take a look at the night sky. It’s a relaxing way to end an evening of homework or work work.
I think I’d like to dive into it a little deeper. I’ll report back.
Have you heard of or seen WorldWide Telescope yet?
oh interesting.
I did not know about this.
Astronomy is awesome! Now we just gotta get you a smoking jacket, because I feel like a true Renaissance man such as yourself should have one to wear while searching the night sky through his telescope.
I forget sometimes that not everyone attempts to read the whole internet before going to bed
Your mastery of this internet is astounding.
I want to get a telescope now, but I’m not quite sure how practical it is to have a telescope with the crappy sky view from my current residence. I think I’d like to have a little more experience testing your equipment out before I get some of my own too….
So I have big plans to go to the planetarium here at 4 AM to watch the solar eclipse broadcast live from the Chinese desert. Unless I hit snooze. But I think I can do it! :)
Did you end up getting up?!
Yes. I do need a sweet jacket. Hmm. Anyone have any suggestions?
you can use my telescope anytime you’d like!
See, I shouldn’t have said anything, because the alarm rang at 3 AM and it suddenly seemed like a worse idea. :) There’s a meteor shower party on the 11th though, and it’s at a reasonable hour, so maybe I’ll make it to that.