Eagle and Snake.


It’s going to be hard to take down the largest land animal. Especially one that can accurately throw a Narwhal. But if anyone could do it, I think it’d be the world’s most poisonous creature a top one of the most intense creatures of the sky. They have flight and they have fight.

with repeat attacks they could slowly wear down the elephant. And the eagle would have no trouble flying in circles around a thrown Narwhal.

6 thoughts on “Eagle and Snake.

  • 1/10/2008 at 6:05 pm

    Read my mind? From four posts ago:

    Thinking outside the box, how about a Haring Ibon (world’s largest eagle) with an Inland Taipan (world’s most venomous snake)?

  • 1/10/2008 at 6:14 pm

    This is where it gets interesting. Because I think that you either have to win by size/force, or you have win by venom/agility.

    Choosing an elephant/hippo/rhino + tiger/lion/polar bear is really your best bet for a brute force win on land. But how do you combat the venom? Elephants have enough mass that they might be able to survive a snakebite (once the tiger/lion/bear is taken out). But then how does a sick elephant kill a bird? It can’t. But then again, how does a bird kill a sick elephant? It can’t.

  • 1/10/2008 at 6:20 pm

    I guess the best way to take out an eagle is with a really big cat. Patrick’s Tiger/Elephant could potentially take this team. If the snake falls to the ground, the elephant can stomp him. Then the big cat takes on the big bird.

  • 1/10/2008 at 6:39 pm

    If I were on the snake/eagle team, I’d put the snake in the birds talons.

    I think a cat (tiger) vs. a bird would work, but the bird really isn’t the issue. The bird just makes the snake more mobile. You need to take out that snake! The tiger may be able to do that, but not until it’s too late. The elephant is pretty much out of this one, since size/force isn’t required.

  • 1/10/2008 at 6:44 pm

    If the snake is in the bird’s talons, isn’t that an eagle on top of a snake? Can they switch places? This team being organized the other way around, I still think they can be taken down. A lucky swoop from the tiger can knock both of them to the ground, giving the elephant a chance to join in.

  • 1/11/2008 at 11:06 am

    Wikipedia says “A single bite from the Inland Taipan contains enough venom to kill as many as 150 human adults.” I think it could take down an elephant.


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