Shaun McQuaid had an interesting idea. has a decent amount of google power. Occasionally I can put things on my website to specifically get into google searches. Now, let’s talk about GoogleWhacking.
Googlewhacking is the art of hunting down a specific duo of legitimate words that only leads to one result in Google.
At one point “spacefarer sesquipedalians” was one such GoogleWhack. GoogleSeeding is a word that I coined to describe putting unique combos of words on your website with the specific intention of being the only result found when someone searches for that combo of words.
Shaun McQuaid has sent me a bunch. So the next series of posts to appear in the quickthoughts will be word combos for GoogleSeeding.
Thanks Shaun!
The problem is, by posting your google whacks on your website, they will show up in both the “home page” when they live in quickposts, and on that post’s permalink. I suppose until the main page of your website gets re-indexed