Theresa’s recipe for Tiramisu!!

3 eggs
.65 cups sugar plus a teaspoon
a dash of salt
1 tub mascarpone cheese
lady finger cookies
coffee, brewed.
some unsweetened chocolate for the top when you serve it.

Separate eggs into separate bowls. Add a spoon of sugar and a dash of salt to the whites. Beat the whites like crazy, for a long while, until they are stiff peaks. To the yolks, add the remaining sugar. Beat until pale. Add marscapone (and some rum if you want!) to the yolks and beat more a bit. Gently fold the whites and yolks together.

Dip the lady fingers into coffee, layer them on the bottom of the glass dish. Layer on the filling. Layer fingers. Layer filling.

Refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

Before serving, lightly sprinkle the chocolate on top.

Cousin Dan’s Famous Buffalo Chicken Dip!

Recipe Time!

I learned this from my cousin!

Cousin Dan’s Famous Buffalo Chicken Dip!

8 oz of blue cheese

10 oz pack of cream cheese

2 cups (1 pack) of shredded cheese

12 oz of buffalo hot sauce (texas pete or red hot buffalo sauce works well)

Use 2 12 oz cans of chicken in a can

-Pull chicken apart into fine pieces then add cream cheese and buffalo sauce. Put in the oven for about 10 mins for cheese to melt a bit. Take out then mix in bleu cheese and shredded cheese. Cook for about 20 mins then all set.



A recipe program. so to speak.

# Denali’s No-Knead Miracle Bread

require ‘cast_iron_dutch_oven’ # sudo gem install dutch_oven –version 3.5 Quart –source KitchenwaresStore
require ‘mixing_bowl’
require ‘spatula’

desc “Step 1. To be performed at night”
task(:at_night) do

ingredients = { ‘Warm Water’ => ‘2 Cups’,
‘Yeast’ => ‘1/4 tsp’, # Yes, that’s all
‘All Purpose Flour’ => ‘1 Cup’, # King Arthur is the best.
‘Whole Wheat Flour’ => ‘1/4 Cup’ }

MixingBowl.contents = ingredients.collect {|ingredient, amount| ingredient.measure(amount) }

MixingBowl.contents.mix_thoroughly(:with => Spatula)

MixingBowl.cover(:with => :cloth, :loosely => true)

sleep 4.hours..8.hours

desc “Step 2. To be peformed the next morning”
task(:morning => :at_night) do

ingredients = { ‘All Purpose Flour’ => “#{(2 + 1/2).scant} Cups”,
‘Asiago Cheese’ => ‘4 oz’,
‘Salt’ => ‘2 teaspoons’ }

ingredients[‘Asiago Cheese’].dice ‘3/8″ cubes’

MixingBowl.contents < < ingredients.collect{ |ingredient, amount| ingredient.measure(amount) } MixingBowl.contents.mix_thoroughly(:with => Spatula)

MixingBowl.cover(:with => :cloth, :loosely => true)

sleep 6.hours..8.hours

desc “Step 3. To be performed after work”
task(:after_work => :morning) do
Oven::MiddleRack.contents < < DutchOven Oven::MiddleRack.contents.insert(DutchOvenCover, :next_to => DutchOven)

case Oven::PreHeat.status
when done?
sleep 20.minutes # Let DutchOven heat up after oven is at temperature

MixingBowl.contents.sprinkle_with :flour

dutch_oven_cover, dutch_oven = Oven::MiddleRack.contents.pop, Oven::MiddleRack.contents.pop

dutch_oven.inside.spray_with :oil
MixingBowl.contents.roll_into(dutch_oven, :with => WetSpatula)

Oven::MiddleRack.contents << dutch_oven.cover!(dutch_oven_cover) Oven::Bake.at(475.degrees, 25.minutes) DutchOven.uncover! Oven::Bake.at(450.degrees, 12.minutes..16.minutes) Oven::MiddleRack.contents.pop rescue ThirdDegreeBurnError Oven.turn_off raise EmergencyRoomException, "Wear oven mitts next time", caller end