Back to the Grind?

Things at work are going surprisingly smoothly right now. I am excited about the projects that I’m working on and the general mood feels light, productive, and refreshing. I’ve had some great interactions with people both in and out of the company lately, so I’m feeling rather positive.

The D.C. trip went well. It’s a neat city… though far too… Doric? I felt refreshed by the more unique architecture of the museum of modern art.

Continuing on with the general update:

School has been decent. My MBA classes are wonderful, my convection class is tough. But more because I’ve missed two of the last three classes because of travel than anything else. Hopefully this weekend I’ll be able to catch up on that.

The House is terrible, but the repair day is getting closer every day. I hope we don’t have to enter the weekend without water.

I haven’t been to Kung Fu or gone rock climbing in over two weeks. This, I find frustrating. Hopefully both these things will change by the weekend (provided we get water first).

And… I guess that’s about it. How are you doing?

4 thoughts on “Back to the Grind?

  • 9/27/2007 at 1:35 pm

    Glad things are looking up for you, Mike. Seeing as how I have water, I don’t really feel that I’m in a position to complain about anything, so I guess I’m good. I’m making bagels. From scratch.

    Hope your water is back on soon.

  • 9/27/2007 at 2:00 pm

    1) Work is in a bit of a lull right now. As in, I’m no longer working 26 days in a row. I’m getting about a day off per week, and we’re waiting for another possible deluge of work. Or, it may not come. UUIG and her office are just now getting sucked into the “crazy overtime.”

    2) We have water. Though, since the weather has “turned” already, my upstairs room is getting super cold.

    3) Two activities this fall: volleyball and orienteering. I am way out of orienteering shape. It’s pathetic. I have two o’ races this weekend. There’s also a 100% chance of rain this weekend.

    4) There’s a really good noodle restaurant that we go to lot at work.

    5) I’ll have the entire day in DC on Nov 1st, with maybe some other sightseeing time on the 2nd/3rd/4th. I was last there in 1995.

  • 9/27/2007 at 3:56 pm

    I moved and have the interwebs, so my days are brighter now that i can check MikeDiDonato(Dot)Com 15 times an hour again.
    And I’m running another 50 on Sunday

  • 9/27/2007 at 7:47 pm

    50% chance of getting laid off in November, super sucky.

    Two week vacation to Japan in two weeks, super awesome.


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