
This weekend gets a qualified “eh.” I came in to help with my company’s inventory count on Saturday and Sunday. Most of the rest of my time was spent on a Fluids homework assignment that reaches new levels of obnoxious.

The annoying part of this homework is that most of the work is just algebra. After figuring out which formula to use, which takes all of 3 minutes, the next hour is spent substituting in variables and simplifying equations.

Not fun.

Thankfully, there were two moments of enjoyment this weekend. Saturday night, at 6:45 Jesse and I decided to sprint up to Pinnacle rock and whip out two climbs. We did 1st and 3rd crack. Finishing 3rd crack as the sun set over the hills. Then, last night Pete, Crystal, Jesse, Irene, Joel, and I decided to save our sanity and get a quick climb or two in at Main Cliff.

I collected my first piece of climbing booty* (a sweet Tricam) on a 5.5 lead then tied into a top rope on Wetwall and some 5.9 face. It was raining by the time I hit Wetwall and the 5.9, so the fun factor jumped considerably.

Overall, this weekend gets a 5.3 toprope rating, more effort than enjoyment.

*a piece of gear that someone else left in the rock, either inadvertently or because they couldn’t remove it.

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