Some of you said it would be impossible. But as of March 12th, 2007 a google search of
Mike D
returns this website as the number 1 choice. Thanks to Shaun McQuaid for pointing this out to me.
my corner of nowhere particular
Some of you said it would be impossible. But as of March 12th, 2007 a google search of
Mike D
returns this website as the number 1 choice. Thanks to Shaun McQuaid for pointing this out to me.
Not to burst your bubble… but I get when I do that search. Jocelyn and I had a similar issue one time with her Web site appearing at different places for different users/machines.
no bubble is burst.
I had numerous people check from across the continent. I believe your computer may be in the minority
Congrats dude!
I’m still holding strong with 3 of the top 4 for Tim Baird, but Timmy of Penn State is still the chief. I’ll get him some day….
Alas! On you are beaten by the Wikipedia entry for the Beastie Boys.
Nice job! I’m currently running number 2 in my race.
That’s super impressive considering you share a name with that other Mike D!
Unfortunatly, I’ve given up ever seeing myself on the first page of google. Last I checked it was page 9. Curse this common name.
I have the 10/10 on Yahoo search, 10/10 Live search and 9/10 on Google of the first page results.
Curse you game developer “John Abad”!
Or rather… he shares a name with me.
Wow. I’m result 141 for “Jes.” Right at the top of page 15. I was about to give up looking. I have #1 for “Jes Saint” and “Patronized Saint” though. Yay for me.
You should put the “Patronized Saint” one on your resume, that is some seriously impressive stuff.
I don’t understand that comment, but thank you.