Locks of Love

Kurt has spent the last many moons growing his hair to send to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a program that provides hairpieces for children suffering from long term hair loss. I think Kurt is the first person I know who grew his hair out specifically for the cause.

I believe at its longest it was over 10 inches in length.

The hair, long.

The hair, short.
clean cut kurt!

Well done Kurt!

8 thoughts on “Locks of Love

  • 3/7/2007 at 8:35 am

    Good job Kurt! I’ve done locks of love twice in the past couple of years. I’ve donated a 12 in and 14 in ponytail.

  • 3/7/2007 at 9:04 am

    Awesome Kurt! My most recent donation was for Beautiful Lengths which is for women with cancer, and they accept 8″. Funny thing too, my sister and I both did it independently of each other knowing within the same month. Weird…I also think it would be weird if some lady ended up with Kurt’s hair.

  • 3/7/2007 at 9:21 am

    Well since I donated it to a children’s cause I doubt it a lady will get it….more like a small teenage girl. Perhaps a cheerleader. and she will go on to win beauty pageants with her long flowing locks of Kurt Hair atop her skull. Good Job kurt’s hair! Rock on!

  • 3/7/2007 at 9:47 am

    Good job Kurt!

    Now you just have to make that donation to Fat For Friends.

  • 3/7/2007 at 10:10 am

    I’ll be sending you a private donation timmy. It should match your fat fat face!

  • 3/8/2007 at 11:25 am

    Nicely done Kurt! My fiance grew her hair out last winter for Locks of Love, and she also sent in her dad’s pony tail that he cut off in the 70’s. It had been in an envelope in their attic for years. It was actually very healthy-looking hair, though.

  • 3/9/2007 at 1:26 am

    UUIG just donated her hair to Locks for Love 3 weeks ago. She looks good.

    Sorry for my Mike D.com absense of late. I got in trouble at work for too much internetage, so I decided to give up work internet for Lent (even when I stay late).


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