We got free cake today at work.
Think about that for a minute.
Free cake is such a great thing. Not only is it a tasty sustenance that fulfills one of our life needs… but it also is pretty much symbolic of happiness. Cake is happy.
We got free happiness today at work.
Mike did you know that cake spelled backwards is ekac?
Shaun – 1
Mike D – 0
As for the cake it was pretty decent.
Don’t question my rightness and your wrongness.
Shaun – 2
You know I have the ability to edit comments right?
I think Roland is still at 0. I forgot, though.
I could go for some cake… all that the athletic department gives away for free is peanuts
I love cake. But if I want to eat some cake, I have to bake it myself. Excpet for birthdays. I’m thinking maybe brownies are the magical cure for this darn cold. I may have to test this theory.
Free happiness? Sounds good. I don’t know about cake being happy though. Have you ever asked a cake if it is happy?
not cool at all :(
have you considered that you already paid for this cake?
With a fixed salary, anything that I get outside of my paycheck I consider to be completely free. Although to your point, I’d probably prefer a crisp dollar bill to a frosting coated cake. Even if that cake happens to be rather tasty.
We get free cake at work whenever it’s someone’s birthday or we win a contract (on average once every couple of weeks). Free cake is awesome.
We got free cake on Monday because one of my co-workers passed his PE exam. It was good, and happy. The funny part was listening to my boss’s boss go over the meeting minutes with a mouthful of cake.
well, obviously the cake doesn’t have feelings. But I don’t think it’s too far out to say that cake is happiness. Throughout our lives cake is associated with happy things: birthdays, weddings, parties, graduations…
Perhaps we have been Pavlov’ed into becoming happy when we are given cake.
Excellent point.
But then those exact same events can be the source of some serious trauma. I wonder if there are people in the world who avoid cake at all costs because of such deep psychological scars.
I particularly like your Pavlov reference. To steal a line from “It’s a Wonderful Life”: every time a bell rings, a person gets some cake.” That is a happy thought.
I see irony in cake to celebrate passing a PE test. Or does PE not stand for physical education this time?
That joke should be taken out back and shot.
Principles of Engineering exam, actually.
In most states, it requires that you first pass a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, which is usually taken when you’re in college. And then, after a few years as a practicing engineer, you take the PE exam. And once you pass both, you get, I dunno, something special for it, like cake. (I’ve only taken the FE so far.)
And to celebrate the shooting, we should have cake.
My boss has a couple certificates on his wall from P.E.s (NY and CT), and my boss’s boss has a wall full of them. You also get a rubber stamp!