We all remember the first release of prophet cards. Well now we’ve got even more cards for collecting!
Muhammad (pbuh) rare!
View all the cards here.
my corner of nowhere particular
We all remember the first release of prophet cards. Well now we’ve got even more cards for collecting!
Muhammad (pbuh) rare!
View all the cards here.
The Jacob one is hilarious! (Why does Jesus look like a beach bum handing out some munchies?)
I think if Jesus was born in modern times there would be a very good chance that he’d ride the waves.
I like John the Baptist’s Palm Strike of Repentance, good work
ahaha, Jacob +5 Hot wife. It’s funny coz it’s true.
Also, I am impressed with with your arabic writing of “Muhammad”. It’s pretty darn close.
Why are all of your prophets honkeys?
I have a hard time finding dark colors that work for skin in paint. pink/white skin is just easier. I will renew my efforts for multi-cultural prophets.
Are you taking in all prophets here, or just the ones from judeo-christian religions? Should we expect a Rael or David Koresh card anytime soon?