New Screwdrivers?

My birthday is coming up next week. That’s right folks, Thursday June 15th. Mark your calendars. Mail your gifts.

As a gift, my folks were hoping to get me a Sears Craftsman lunchbox. Sadly they didn’t have any at the Sears locations in MA, so they said they’d reimburse me for a purchase here in CT.

Well, the CT sears didn’t have one either. But they DID have screwdriver sets on sale. And a screwdriver set is something I’ve had my eyes on for quite some time.

Back in the day when I first started purchasing tools I got my hands on some screw drivers. 6 screwdrivers. And if you don’t already know, 6 screwdrivers is NOT enough. In fact, on numerous occasions I found myself borrowing screw drivers from my roommates. As the mechanical engineer of the house, I find this to be a horrible embarrassment. Shameful even.

Well… shame no longer! I am now the proud owner of a 26 piece screwdriver.

Star drivers, philips, flat head, eyeglass drivers, angled driver, a scratch awl, and a keychain for those unexpected repairs. It’s a veritable cornucopia of drivers!

Never will I be caught off guard with an application that calls for a 10inch screwdriver. I will rise to the challenge!
Mike D. to the rescue.

6 thoughts on “New Screwdrivers?

  • 6/6/2006 at 5:34 pm

    All the coolest people have mid- June birthdays.
    (Mine’s 17th June :D)

  • 6/6/2006 at 5:35 pm

    PS: that MS Paint kind of looks like half of a giant elf’s shoe full of hyperdermic needles. Good effort though.

  • 6/7/2006 at 10:18 am

    My husband’s birthday is June 11. Does that count?

  • 6/8/2006 at 12:31 pm

    Incidentally, that’s what I got for my birthday.

    Do you have Robertson Screwdrivers? They are Canadian.

  • 6/10/2006 at 1:44 am

    hey, june 1st is pretty A+.

  • 6/10/2006 at 1:45 am

    Mike D, remember that time Maura & I tried looking at your rainbow tools and you slapped our hands away? yeah. you’re way into your tools.


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