I bought some aviator sunglasses. They have gold rims and are tinted green.
Jesse helped me pick them out.
mike d: How are these? (puts on green tinted, gold rimmed, aviators)
Jesse: perfect. buy those.
mike d: What about these? (removes aviators, puts on a different pair)
Jesse: those don’t even have gold rims. I won’t approve of anything without gold rims.
mike d: these? (removes #2, puts on #3)
Jesse: nothing can top that first pair. I don’t know why you keep trying on new glasses.
mike d: what about these? (repeats trial process)
Jesse: They don’t have any bling. You need rockstar glasses. You could wear the aviator’s on stage.
And that was that.
Why are there no pictures?
That’s right.
You can’t pull pictures off your camera.
Actually, pictures work just fine. It’s video transferring that doesn’t seem to work. I’ll post a picture tomorrow of these very fine Aviators.
They even look good just sitting on my desk, assuring my co-workers that the toned down Mike D they see on a daily basis may very well be hiding a rockstar underneath.
For now, enjoy this:
What happened to your mouth? Did the Matrix get you?
Whew…That was close. you got to watch out for the matrix….its a tricksy one
You didn’t tell them about the hot babe that totally wanted me at JC Penney
maybe he didn’t tell us about it, cause it DIDN”T HAPPEN!
I will remedy this right away.
This is funny, because the real story is sad and pathetic. See the Quickthoughts.
But you’re not wearing them around the office.
What kind of rocker are you?
I knew it.
I am shamed.
I ache for the job where I can proudly wear these sunglasses 24/7.
[Interior – Police interrogation cell]
Mike D: Yeah. Wow, that sound like a really good deal. But I think I got a better one. How about I give you the finger… and you give me my aviators.
Agent Smith: Uh, Mr. DiDonato. You disappoint me.
Mike D: You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my sunglasses.
Agent Smith: And tell me, Mr. DiDonato, what good is are sunglasses… if you cannot wear them…?
Mike D tries to put the aviators on but they fall to the floor, BECAUSE SUDDENLY HE HAS NO EARS
Agent Smith: You’re going to help us, Mr. DiDonato, whether you want to or not.