I am one of the thirteen proud contestants of the second annual
well, for one, I’m going to be participating in all sorts of wild challenges that the folks at Urban Honking come up with, in a wild attempt to win all sorts of cash and prizes. Jump over to their site to check things out. I suspect it will be a wild, and perhaps dirty fight to the top.
It’s going to be done survivor style, so there’s the obvious chance that I’ll be voted off within the next few weeks. But, let’s hope that my never ending MSPaint antics will help me survive for at least a little while. Wish me luck! and check out the other contestants here! (if you are using Internet Explorer, you will have to scroll to the bottom)
Man, that sounds like fun. And if you weren’t a shoe in for this perfect pitch deal, I don’t know who is. I mean, you convinced me to stick my hand in boiling oil for $3, break into a house on several occasions, and convinced me it would be ‘ok’ if we ate an entire pan of brownies in 45 seconds. Good Luck Detonator!
Go get ’em kid, I have faith in you
oh man… i would have loved this! It’s the interactive blogging game to end all interactive blogging games! Let me know how I can stuff the ballot box or help you out in any way. We can attack them from both upper corners of the country!
Good luck!
waferbaby dan is gonna win.
Quite possibly! I’ll assure you of this Cinthia: I don’t expect to win.
I’m not sure if I have the drive for such a competition. But I’ll do my best. I will do my very best.
Speaking of competitions, any ideas what’s on tap for the next MS Paint competition?
Cinthia spells her name funny.
Mike D is going to win and anyone who says otherwise is a dirty communist!
Not enough drive!!?? Dude every day you muster more will power than my collective life supply. Get to it, and I’ll spur you along for a cut of the cash.
How’s 50 cents sound?
For once in my life I agree with Sander.