My sister has discovered the wonders of alkaseltzer. she calls it Crackaseltzer because it makes her feel soo good.
- Narnia is everywhere
- featureless!
my corner of nowhere particular
My sister has discovered the wonders of alkaseltzer. she calls it Crackaseltzer because it makes her feel soo good.
Since its introduction in November of 2001, I have believed Alka Seltzer Morning Relief is some sort of magic.
Their cold & flu stuff is pretty effective as well. I guess that since its already dissolved in water, its easier to absorb.
But I might just be making that up.
What sorts of ailments does one treat with said Crackaseltzer?
I agree. There is a crackaseltzer for anything.
From Cold & Flu to Hangover to Headache and Stomach Pain.
Right from top to bottom!
This is awesome. I too want to become a crackaseltzer addict!